Events and Activities

AIM pays special emphasis on the need to maintain balance between studies and Co —curricular activities. In order to maintain this balance, it is essential to not only be academically strong but also be actively inwgyed in activities such as

  • Organizing seminars
  • In — house journals & magazines
  • Participating in various competitions
  • Guest lectures
  • Workshops
  • Cultural activities & sports activities
  • Celebrations of various days
  • International yoga day
  • Social activities
  • Tree plantation
  • Blood donation camps
  • Swachha BharatAbhiyan
  • Programmes on natural resource conservation
  • Visit and help to old-age homes, orphan-age homes etc.
  • Help is provided to needy, poor, students by providing them the books, notebooks, uniforms etc.
  • Industrial visits
  • Case Studies
  • Mock interviews etc.

  • AIM encourages forming informal groups and clubs to create a platform where students can freely voice their opinions and exchange ideas.

    We CARE —in house group of Students that indulge in various academic and social service activities. These co - curricular activities are designed with a view to make students confidence oriented professionals.